Geoprobe 7822DT
Our 7822 is the only rig in Australia capable of all forms of drilling (excluding sonic) via the unique system that allows for Direct Push (2 sizes), Diamond coring (HQ & PQ), Mud Rotary, Auger (Solid and Hollow), SPT, RAB, Rotary Percussion and RC.
The Multi-purpose track mounted 7822DT Drill Rig is a light weight multi-purpose rig ideally suited to the requirements of geotechnical and environmental drilling.
Movement around sites is via remote control to further enhance safety features. The rig operates on a small foot print and in locations with restricted access.
The Multi-purpose track mounted 7822DT Drill Rig is a light weight multi-purpose rig ideally suited to the requirements of geotechnical and environmental drilling.
Movement around sites is via remote control to further enhance safety features. The rig operates on a small foot print and in locations with restricted access.
Hanjin D&B 8D
Our Hanjin D&B has true multi-purpose capabilities. The rig covers a wide range of shallow exploration and geotechnical drilling, including mud rotary, down hole hammer and diamond coring.